New OnePlus Stock Dialer for OnePlus Smartphones – Download Now

OnePlus always brings the latest updates to its system applications with its operating system such as OxygenOS and ColorOS. Now we have a new OnePlus stock dialer for OnePlus smartphones, which brings new features, better connectivity, and a seamless experience.

Nowadays, every mobile company uses Google Dialer on their devices, but many of them are very enthusiastic about the company’s own dialer and are requesting that in many forums some companies provide their own dialer as a secondary dialer in the device itself. But coming OxygenOS, ColorOS, and Realme UI devices, are all running on Google Dialer as an alternative the OPPO parent company released a dialer named “O DAILER” in the Google Play Store, but it has many bugs still you can try it out on your device. The apks that we are providing are supporting versions of Dialer for OxygenOS 14, ColorOS 14, and Realme UI 5.0.

This application will also support Fluid Cloud at the top of the status bar, where you can long-press and see it as the top banner. This feature will only work in OxygenOS 14.

These are the APKs you have to install one by one in the following order:

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