OnePlus 8 Series Update Review: Is OxygenOS Worth the Upgrade?

The OnePlus 8 Series recently received the OxygenOS update, and in this in-depth review, we will explore the various aspects of the update. Our reviewer, Ashok, has been using the device for nearly three days and will provide insights into the bugs, improvements, and overall performance. This review will cover the general stability, battery life, camera quality, gaming experience, and address some of the questions posed by the community.

Battery Segment:

Among the most requested topics, the battery segment takes center stage. The reviewer reports that the battery life on OnePlus 8 has seen slight improvements with the new update. Screen-on-time results showed a range of 4 to 4.5 hours, depending on usage. While some users might find this sufficient, others may still desire longer battery life.

However, an issue related to charging speed was observed. The device experienced slow charging and, in some cases, got stuck at 96% despite being connected for an extended period. The reviewer suggests that the charging speed needs to be addressed to enhance user experience.

Camera Quality:

The camera performance remained consistent with the previous builds. The OnePlus 8 series still delivers good dynamic range and captures detailed images. The HDR feature works effectively, and there were no major issues related to color shifting when switching between lenses. Selfies also showcased good dynamic range and ample details.

A few users have reported issues with 4K at 60fps recording, but the reviewer did not encounter any significant problems during their tests.


Since the merger of ColorOS code base with OxygenOS, some users have experienced performance-related issues. Gaming performance was examined through games like Battlegrounds Mobile India and Grid Auto Sports.

The reviewer noticed that while Grid Auto Sports managed to maintain 60 FPS during initial laps, it suffered from frame drops and reduced FPS as the device heated up. This highlights the need for optimization not only on OxygenOS’s part but also for developers of demanding games.

Bugs and Issues:

The review brings attention to two major issues encountered during usage. Firstly, a recurring brightness drop was noticed on the OnePlus 8. The screen brightness would decrease unexpectedly and required manual intervention to restore to normal levels.

Secondly, the device experienced sluggish charging and occasionally stalled at 96% while connected. Restarting the device was necessary to achieve a full charge, indicating potential software-related charging optimization concerns.


In conclusion, the OxygenOS update on the OnePlus 8 Series brings improvements in the battery life and maintains a steady camera performance. However, certain bugs and issues, such as the brightness drop and charging speed, need to be addressed through future updates. While the gaming experience is satisfactory, there is room for further optimization in both software and game development.

Overall, the update shows promise, and with continued efforts to address the identified issues, OnePlus can enhance the user experience and ensure its devices meet user expectations.

If you want to known in the details about this update we have an video available on YouTube:

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Akash Ramsakha is a Computer Engineer, he worked for some companies before coming to Techibee and now he has an good experience with technology which will help the visitor. Akash also loves playing PC games, Mobile games.

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