WhatsApp is bringing back the View Once feature for WhatsApp desktop and web users. Before, this feature was available, but the social media company removed it in November 2022. Users will get access to this feature on all major platforms again.
WhatsApp View Once Feature
The View Once feature helps users send media without it being saved in the receiver’s gallery. Users can send any sensitive information to the other person without getting worried, as it cannot be forwarded or starred, is accessible only for a single time, cannot be forwarded, and cannot be saved in the receiver’s gallery. If the receiver fails to open the photo or video within 14 days, it will automatically vanish from the chat.
According to the WABetaInfo report, the View Once feature is working for WhatsApp web and desktop users. The feature will be available for both Windows and MacOS. So users can use this feature on their laptops and desktops.
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