WhatsApp had previously added group call support for large groups. WhatsApp’s goal in including this feature was to make communication easier. However, it had its own set of disadvantages. One of the most significant disadvantages was that whenever anyone initiated a group call, everyone on the group’s smartphone would ring.
However, they have now added a new voice chat feature that reportedly acknowledges and addresses the disadvantage.
How is WhatsApp voice chat different from group calls?
The newly added voice chat is very simple to use. Voice chats begin quietly, with no ringing, with an in-chat bubble that you tap to join. This new feature allows you to talk about things with anyone who can join while still messaging those who can’t.
You also have more control over it. You can quickly unmute, hang up, or message the group without leaving the voice chat by clicking on the call controls at the top of the chat. WhatsApp notes that end-to-end encryption is used by default to protect voice chats.
The feature is now being rolled out globally to all eligible users. You can get this new feature by updating your WhatsApp app on your smartphone. Voice chats are currently available to groups of more than 33 people. In the future, we may see some changes in the minimum number of people required in the group to use this feature.
Featured Image Courtesy: WhatsApp
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