According to a report by IDC, OPPO+OnePlus (as we know they are together after the merger) from BBK Electronics has become India’s No.1 smartphone brand in Q2 this year after competing the Samsung and Apple. If we talk about the previous report, according to that, Samsung is the No.1 smartphone brand in Q2 this year.
Now, if we talk about the report, So, it’s clearly visible that about 17 million 5G smartphones are shipped in 2Q23 i.e. in the 2nd quarter of the year 2023. From OnePlus, OnePlus Nord CE 3 Lite is the highest-selling 5G phone from OnePlus in 2023. If we talk about the combined market share of BBK. So, as we can see in the above report, Vivo has a market share of 16%. Later on, we have Realme with 12.6%. Then, OPPO has 11%. Then, at last OnePlus with 7.2%.
Apple and Samsung’s Market Share according to report
Apple has attained the 7th rank in the report. Apple’s market share has also increased if we compare it with the previous year. Previous year, i.e. 2Q22 Apple’s market share was 3.3% and this year, in 2Q23, it was 5.5%. The iPhone 13 from Apple was the best-selling iPhone from Apple in 2Q23.
Now, let’s move on to Samsung. So, Samsung has attained a 16.3% market share in 2Q22. But if we talk about the 2Q23 it has only attained 15.7%.
Xiaomi and Poco
Now, we are going to talk about Xiaomi and Poco. So, according to the report, Xiaomi has attained the 5th rank in the report with a market share of 11% in 2Q23 which is less if we compare it with 2Q22 which was 17.6%. Now, let’s talk about Poco. So, Poco has attained a 5% market share in 2Q23, which is more if we compare it with 2Q22. In 2Q22, Poco attained 2.8% of the market share.
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