Nothing India has announced an exclusive giveaway just for their newsletter subscribers. Nothing India is now officially on X (formerly Twitter) and has announced the giveaway to gain some followers on the platform. They are giving away 3x Nothing Ear (stick) in this giveaway.
They have also provided some conditions that you must fulfill in order to participate in this giveaway.
- You have to follow @nothingindia on X (formerly Twitter) to get all the latest updates from Nothing India.
- You need to tag @nothinginida on X and also mention them in your posts
- Tag a friend share the love, and catch their attention by saying “Nothing” or something interesting that they would love to hear.
By following these steps, you automatically become a participant in the giveaway that is exclusive to their newsletter subscribers. The giveaway is for a limited period starting from December 11 until December 14 at midnight. This giveaway is exclusive to those people who have joined the newsletter or mailing list for all the promotional emails from Nothing before this giveaway.
YOU CAN FOLLOW US ON– Telegram, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Google News